September 16, 2013

Ruffian Nail Lacquer

Ruffian "Hedge Fund"

The only reason why I get excited that fall is coming is because I can finally start painting my nails “fall friendly” colors! Don’t get me wrong, buying fall clothing is the best feeing ever but when your “fall” doesn’t start until December... that’s when its time to choose another reason to fall in love with the season. 

The minute my Birchbox appeared at my doorsteps, I knew my Ruffian Nail Lacquer arrived. It’s such a beautiful olive green tone, perfect for any color skin and it applied beautifully. Two coats is all thats needed. What I’m mostly impressed with this is that it last longer than most of my other nail polishes. I’ve had this nail posh on for quite some time now- 5 days to be exact (not that anyones counting...) and not a major chip has happened! 

You can purchase the Ruffian Nail Lacquers individually for $10 each or as a trio in either the Crowdsourced Collection or the Classics Collection for $24 at Birchbox!